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Senin, 10 Maret 2025

Indonesia Pavilion: We Meet the Challenges but We Take the Opportunity

2015-12-08 10:35:26 by Administrator Liu

Le Bourget, PARIS - More than 30 sessions have been delivered in Indonesia Pavilion at Le Bourget, Paris towards the first weekend of UNFCCC COP 21/CMP 11 negotiations. In the first week, at least 100 prominent speakers from Indonesia and international communities are discussing the challenges, experiences, opportunities and solutions of climate change in Indonesia. President Joko Widodo visited the Pavilion after his addressed at the Plenary on Monday, 30 September greeted the panelists of the Interfaith Dialogue including Islamic scholars Prof. Din Syamsudin and Yenny Wahid.

During the first week, Indonesia Pavilion showcased key topics on sustainable landscape management, climate financing and better management practices for production forests and plantation. How community at large is involved and play critical roles as part of the country's effort in fighting climate change is also taking the attention of the Pavilion visitors.

Siti Nurbaya , Minister of Environment and Forestry - Republic of Indonesia said, "Indonesia Pavilion is showing how state and non-state actors in Indonesia are working together to combat climate change. We are showing to the Delegates part of our responsibilities and our capabilities in reducing emissions as we are committed in Indonesia INDCs".

From Monday, 7 December to Friday, 11 December, Indonesia Pavilion is programmed to stage16 discussion sessions.

A High Level Government - Business Dialogue will be staged on Monday, 7 December between 11.00 - 13.00 into two discussion panels. Edna Molewa, Minister of Environmental Affairs, South Africa; Daniele Violetti, Chief of Staff, UNFCCC; Rachmat Witoelar, President's Special Envoy for Climate Change, Indonesia and a representative of French Ministry of Foreign Affairs;are scheduled in the first discussion panel. The Dialogue will highlight Government pre- and post- 2020 commitments with business perspectives responding to these commitments. Representatives of Indonesian business and New Zealand will be in the second discussion panel.

On Tuesday, 8 December, High Level session with focus on green and low carbon economy features Former President, Hon. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Minister of Foreign Affairs Australia, Minister of Trade and Climate Change New Zealand and Rachmat Witoelar, President's Special Envoy for Climate Change.

A special session by Hon. Al Gore, founder and chairman of The Climate Reality Project is sheduled on the same day at 3.30 PM.

Other interesting sessions toward the end of Paris Climate Conference at Indonesia Pavilion include presentations on gender equality, media roles in raising public awareness and youth actions.

Indonesia Pavilion will be officially closed by Hon. Rachmat Witoelar and Ambassador Indonesia for France, Andorra and Monaco H.E. Hotmangaradja Pandjaitan on Friday, 11 December at 2.00 PM with Indonesian food cultural performance.


1.  All presentations material of  sessions from 30 November to 5 December and updated programme of the Pavilion  can be downloaded from:

Minister of Environment and Forestry - Republic of Indonesia is available for media interviews at Indonesia Pavilion on 09-11 December 2015 between 10.00 - 15.00. For advance appointment, please contact: Mr. Agus Justianto, Mrs. Amanda Katili or Mrs. Laksmi Banowati